Club Coach

What is Club Coach?

A Club Coach is an experienced Toastmaster who is appointed by the Club Growth Director to help a struggling club with 12 or fewer members. Responsibilities include assessing the club environment, recommending solutions and assisting the club in increasing its membership and fulfilling the requirements necessary to become Distinguished or better.

Up to two (2) Club Coaches may be appointed by the Club Growth Director to one club at a time for credit. An appointment lasts 1 to 2 years, until June 30th of the first year if the club achieves Distinguished status or better OR June 30th of the following year if the club does not achieve Distinguished status the first year. A Club Coach cannot be a member of the same club he/ she is coaching.

A successful club coach will:

  • Build rapport with club leaders and members
  • Instill enthusiasm, comradery and structure within the club
  • Assess the club environment and recommend best practices for success
  • Work with club leaders to develop a Club Success Plan
  • Encourage the club to strive for Distinguished Club Program (DCP) recognition

Coaches who help clubs achieve Distinguished status or higher in the Distinguished Club Program will receive credit in the education program and a certificate of accomplishment.

Download the Club Coach Appointment Form below

Download the guide "First Class Club Coach" detailing how to evaluate clubs and take decisive action to improve their standing.

Download the comprehensive "Club Coach Troubleshooting Guide" for preparing and presenting an effective training session for club coaches.