District 20 ToastMasters


Messages From District 20 Trio


Greetings District 20 family,
First of all, it is an honor to be part of such an amazing family that fosters personal and professional growth through effective communication and leadership.
Our vision for our District this term — a vision that encompasses Sustainable Success and embodies the spirit of Weavers of Wonders or WOW.
Keeping the District Mission and Vision in mind, my action plan is simple yet profound: to elevate the quality of our programs and enhance the Toastmasters experience for every member. District 20 has always been a place where individuals discover their true potential and embrace the power of their voice. As District Director, I am committed to amplifying this potential by promoting excellence in every aspect of our meetings.
As we embark on this journey, I encourage each one of you to embrace challenges, seek feedback, and celebrate progress. Together, we will create a vibrant community that thrives on excellence and camaraderie. Thank you for your trust in me, and I look forward to serving you and witnessing the transformational growth of each member in District 20. Let us embark on this exciting chapter together!

Yours in service,
Yaser Alqashar, DTM
District Director
District 20, Region 8


Dear Members of District 20,
I am deeply honoured to have been elected as your new Program Quality Director (PQD). I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for placing your trust in me. I assure you that this trust will always be kept and cherished.
As your PQD, I want to assure you that the PQD Office will always strive to serve your best interests. Our members are the heart and soul of our district, and you are at the top of all our strategies and programs. Your growth, your learning, and your success are our top priorities.
I am excited to be working with a dedicated team at the PQD’s office. Their commitment to extending their support for the benefit of our members is truly commendable. I want to extend my sincere thanks to them for joining the PQD office and for their unwavering dedication to our cause.
Furthermore, I want to emphasize that the happiness of our members is a key focus for us. A happy member makes a happy district, and we will do everything possible to ensure that our members are content and fulfilled.
Together, we will strive to create an environment that fosters learning, growth, and success. Thank you once again for your trust and support.
I look forward to serving you as your Program Quality Director for the term 2024-2025.

Best Regards,
Khalid Jalal, DTM
Program Quality Director,
District 20, Region 8


A new Toastmaster year, with hopes and dreams of spreading the Toastmaster message to every person and every group who will benefit from this wonderful activity. An activity that has left its positive mark on all of us members, that has brought us all more self-confidence and personal development and has connected us in a network of like-minded individuals. 
Let this year mark our intent to grow and develop our community by bringing in more members and more clubs into the network of clubs in Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt and Iraq. One more community that discovers how Toastmasters changes lives, one more company that offers Toastmasters to its employees helping them take leaps on the leadership ladder, and one more university that gives its students a head start on their professional journey. 
Let us work together at every level, from club to area, division and district to hold creative events, themed Open Houses and Speechcraft. Spread the word about Toastmasters not just with your words but by showcasing your skills for a richer, more vibrant and more sustainable District 20.

Dahlia Eldeeb, DTM
Club Growth Director 
District 20, Region 8